Posts in 'Community Building'

Community Building

The Fireflies are once again teaming up with a community organization, One Warm Coat to help those in need. We had a very warm response to our call for coats last year. According to PIC Fireflies Teacher Joann Schock, "We collected well over 100 coats last year to help Philadelphia families." Donate...
Save the Date! Tuesday, December 2nd is #GIVINGTUESDAY! Traditions old and new are happening at PIC all the time. This October we held our first Fall Family Festival and Grandparents Day is just around the corner. Another new tradition for PIC this year is #GivingTuesday. On Tuesday, December 2, PIC...
Save the Date! Tuesday, December 2nd is #GIVINGTUESDAY! Started in 2012, #GIVINGTUESDAY is meant as a counterpoint to Black Friday and Cyber Monday. On December 2, we are NOT asking our families to give, but we hope that you will share with your friends and family how important PIC is to you. We...
Celebrate the joy of reading with your child at the Parent-Infant Center’s Family Book Fest on Saturday, November 22 from 9:30 am to 12 pm at the Rotunda, 4014 Walnut Street. With stories and crafts for ages 7-under, this event is free and open to the public. In addition to stories, crafts, and...
On Thursday, October 30, with help from our friend Representative Jim Roebuck, PIC hosted its first Lights on Aftershool event. After decorating the inside of the Stucco Building, our after schoolers gathered to talk a little about the importance of quality after school programs like PIC. Children...
Our first Fall Family Festival was fantastic! With a perfectly crisp autumn day and plenty of blue skies and sunshine overhead, we could not have asked for anything more. We had a great turnout of parents, grandparents, and caregivers who came to explore the variety of activities with their little...
PIC invites early learning and after school families to come out on December 11 to help us celebrate the winter season. Beginning at 4:00 pm our after schoolers will present a gala performance showcasing and celebrating their many talents. All families are invited to the Stucco Building to enjoy the...
On Thursday, October 30, PIC will host its first Lights on Aftershool event from 4:00 - 5:00 pm . Please join us in the Stucco Building for a mini-art festival and "lighting" ceremony. As a registered participant in this nation-wide "call to attention," we acknowledge the need for more, and...
Today, a group of students from the Villanova University College of Nursing helped staff PIC's flu clinic, providing free flu shots to over 50 adults at PIC and in the community. This is an annual project sponsored by the City of Philadelphia. PIC participates in this outreach program as part of our...
Aside from being a PIC mom, Lauren Herrmann is the rabbi at Congregation Kol Tzedek of West Philadelphia. This past week, congregation members put up a sukkah in Clark Park to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. In honor of the festivities, Lauren invited PIC preschool classes to visit the...