Posts in 'In the Classroom'

In the Classroom

What’s in a garden? Once we began collecting flower petals for the classroom from under trees outside, read Eating the alphabet by Lois Ehlert, and watched a few beans sprout in jars on our windowsills, we knew we were ready to answer the Peanut’s big question: What’s in a garden? We set out on many...
written by Michelle Gueco Babies caring for babies Summer has been a time for many transitions in the Bumblebees. We are saying goodbye to older toddlers that are moving up or moving away, and we are also welcoming many new children to our classroom. This month we welcomed four new babies - Hannah...
Discovery on the Nature Playground Breaking news! A group of Dragontails made an amazing scientific discovery in the mud kitchen this week. Amongst the amateur archeologists, two members of the PIC newspaper club combined their writing talents to record their findings. Read all about it in the...
Bugs! We have started a new investigation on insects and it has been very exciting. The nature playground was where it all began. We were looking at worms in the garden every day! The kids got interested in searching for ants when playing on the steps in the blacktop. So we are now exploring the...
Moving Up This is the time of the year when children begin transitioning to new classrooms. Not only do the children have to adjust to a new environment, new children, and new teachers, but so do their parents! It is very easy to get used to things being done a certain way, and now you and your...
Little Explorers As spring is coming to an end and summer is quickly approaching, the Wild Things have been spending more and more time enjoying all of the wonders nature has to offer. The study of nature matched perfectly with all of the beautiful weather we have had recently, which allowed us more...
Gardening in the Classroom With spring in full bloom, the Leapfrogs observations and curiosity of the changes in the natural environment around them have led into a new study on nature and plants. To learn more about plants and nature, we started with gardening in the classroom to provide hands-on...
Seeds are Super! The Grasshoppers have been very interested in seeds. These days, we look forward to finding seeds in our foods during snack and lunch times. Part of our interest began as the Grasshoppers participated in preparing and making our community snacks in the classroom. Many children are...
written by Lead Teacher Lily Cavanagh Don't Say I Can't Play I want to share this sweet conversation. While two Starfish were cleaning out the sensory table I overheard this exchange: One said to the other, “You are my friend.” The second Starfish responded in-kind, “ You are my friend, too.” The...
The Art of Exploring Nature The Doodlebugs are exploring nature inside of the classroom through art and science. We began by studying the changes of natural materials with water. Recently, we took a closer look at the texture changes of dirt when we add water. Tessa and Fiona used their fine motor...