In the Classroom: The Wild Things

Little Explorers
As spring is coming to an end and summer is quickly approaching, the Wild Things have been spending more and more time enjoying all of the wonders nature has to offer. The study of nature matched perfectly with all of the beautiful weather we have had recently, which allowed us more time to get outside and explore. We even found many ways to bring nature inside our classroom.
The Wild Things took many walks around our beautiful West Philadelphia community. During our walks, we made many stops to observe, collect, and explore natural items such as plants, flowers, trees, leaves, insects, and a plethora of other objects found in nature. PIC is so fortunate to be located in a part of the city where there are so many natural places and opportunities for children to explore the environment.
In the classroom, the Wild Things enjoyed having natural materials such as soil, sand, water, and oats in our sensory table. The different textures and endless play possibilities of these items kept the Wild Things engaged in exploration for extended periods of time.
Throughout the month of May, our classroom gained several new plants. The older Wild Things helped the teachers re-pot the new plants and loved giving the plants water. Everyone was excited to observe the plants as they grew big and strong.
Nature is a study that could go on forever. There are so many possibilities, so many new things to learn about. The natural world around us is constantly changing and the Wild Things enjoy watching and exploring these new experiences as they occur right before our eyes.