Sharing Our Loss: Alumni Mom Molly Roth

We recently learned that former PIC mom and Board member Molly Roth passed away last month. Molly and her husband Michael Hesson along with their two daughters, were at PIC for a decade.
Their eldest daughter Elinor enrolled in PIC's After School Center in 2005. Three years later, their youngest, Claudia began our early learning program. She continued on to attend our after school program until 2015. Molly was always very involved at PIC. She joined the PIC Board of Directors, served as Treasurer, and chaired the Finance Committee.
The Roth-Hessons strongly supported PIC's expansion campaign known as Sweet Dreams and were very familiar faces at ArtStart, our annual fall fundraiser. We are very grateful for Molly's participation, contributions, and friendship.
Lead teacher Joann Schock has very fond memories of Molly and has shared these thoughts with us:
I was so very sad to hear the news that Molly had passed away. I was her daughter Claudia's pre-school teacher in the Fireflies. As the years passed, I recall bumping into Molly. We talked about Claudia and all of the amazing things moms have to share about their children. She always asked about my own daughter Grace and I always walked away feeling as though we were connected by mom stuff, or Claudia, or both. Whatever connection we had, I'm saddened to feel her death and will miss our short chats from mom-to-mom.
According to her obituary there will be a memorial ceremony for Molly in May.