Plant Sale Days May 2 & 3

post updated on 4/22/14
Join us on Friday, May 2 from 4 - 6 pm and Saturday, May 3 from 10 am - 3 pm for PIC's annual Spring Plant Sale Days.
Doors to the chapel next door to PIC are open to the community on Friday and Saturday to pick up Plant Sale orders made in advance or purchase from our wide variety of annuals, perennials, herbs, fruits and veggies hanging baskets, and more.
There will also be a bake sale offering shoppers plenty of delicious goodies on both days.
Each year, money raised by the PIC Plant Sale is used for our tuition assistance program, which helps those families at PIC who do not qualify for child care subsidies due to household income, but who cannot afford full tuition at PIC.
Last year's fundraising efforts helped 35 families with the cost of child care.
Join us as we raise important dollars, help green our neighborhoods, and have lots of fun!