PIC families hit the trail

PIC Families hit the Wissahickon trail!

Last month, PIC early learning families met "out of school time" for a Sunday guided hike in the Wissahickon led by PIC Nature Educator Rob Wiest and PIC mom Marina Borker.

Rob wrote about their journey.
We set off from the Chestnut Hill Springside Academy parking lot to a trail on Hartwell Lane. Our loop took us from street to woodland, to creek, winding through a dynamic landscape of gentle rises and descents in a lush understory of vegetative growth moderately shaded by a high canopy of oak, beech, chestnut, and other well-known woody giants. 
We journeyed with intermittent stops to observe wildlife discoveries made by the children and their families. We gushed over worms, searched for salamanders, splashed in streams, and stretched our "tree limbs" up as high as we could to catch the spurts of sunlight that broke through the clouds. 
The swiftly flowing Wissahickon provided musical accompaniment and a scenic backdrop to our picnic. With the temperatures rising, we felt lucky to have been graced with the cool of an overcast morning in the Wissahickon woods.