November Message from Deb Green

PIC families gather for a Classroom Potluck

Community at its Finest

Fall is certainly a time that we see community at its finest at PIC. We have a series of events where families come together because of and/or on behalf of PIC.

We started the school year with our annual series of Classroom Potlucks, a longstanding PIC tradition. While the format of these gatherings has changed somewhat, they continue to be a time for parents to hear what is happening in their child’s classroom, and then come together to share food and conversation. A tradition well worth keeping!  


A few weeks ago our Community again came together for ArtStart, an especially noteworthy event. In addition to being a great night out for PIC families and friends, it is a time that we ask you to give back to PIC.

The event was a great success and again raised over $30,000 for our Tuition Assistance Fund. ArtStart gives PIC families a chance to directly help fellow families who struggle with the cost of quality child care. 
I continue to be in awe at the number of alumni families and board who join us for the event, simply because PIC was so important in the lives of their own family. 
Fall Family Festival

ArtStart was followed by our second annual Fall Family Festival last Friday. We were pleased to have so many family members join us on the nature playground for a morning of fun activities and getting to know each other better. It was a crisp day, but the energy, enthusiasm, and sheer joy of those participating warmed things up.

What's Next? Grand Friends and Giving Tuesday

This month, we will extend our Community by inviting grandparents and friends to join us for one of our two dedicated Grand Friends Days on November 24 and 25. Last year it was so exciting to hear how far some of our grandparents and friends travelled to join us. Again, our Community is strengthened and widened when people come together. 

And next month, PIC will participate in #GivingTuesday on December 1. #GivingTuesday is an event that has been designed as a national day of giving. On this day, we will ask the PIC Community to “come together” through social media to get the word out about our center.
We invite you to share your stories of why PIC is important to you and urge your connections to do whatever they can to support our programs. One message at a time, we can expand PIC’s support network and our own Community will be made all the stronger!
And, look for the Giving Tuesday #Unselfie photobooth the week before.
Surely you know the old saying, “It takes a village to raise a child.” When we unite as a community, we get to know and support one another. We are that proverbial “village” that is raising close to 300 children together.