Magic Circle Construction Progresses

We are pleased to report that the work on our Climbing and Crawling and Messy Materials area are almost complete!
Climbing and Crawling seems pretty obvious with the line of tree stumps inviting children to challenge their gross motor skills. But, exactly what happens with messy materials?

Messy Materials is actually an area of loose materials designed to include sticks and mulch as raw materials to spark imaginations. An existing tree stump has been left intact. Think fort building or imaginative play for this area, but ultimately it will be for the children to decide!
Have you noticed the logs and rock that have been installed in Messy Materials? Known as our Log of Interest, it is on the 42nd Street side of the playground. It has been generously donated to this project by our contractor, Think Green and is a combination of logs and rock specially designed to allow children to observe as water flows down from the top log.
During the construction of these two areas, we have unearthed lots of dirt. We were able to use it to fill some areas in need of more dirt near the sandbox. It will be covered with mesh and seeded so grass can grow. By re-using the dirt in this way we saved the expense of having it hauled away.
Next up will be the block building and art areas. Keep an eye out for more exciting changes ahead!