Help Plan the Celebration of the Year!

Are you inspired by the fact that PIC makes a difference in the lives of your family as well as others? Are you interested in being part of the movement to provide more families with access to this engaging and warm childcare experience?
I invite you to help us plan ArtStart 2016.
PIC’s tuition assistance program directly helps working families struggling to meet the costs of quality early childhood education. Our annual fall fundraiser known as ArtStart helps these families access the quality programming that PIC provides through annual financial assistance awards.
I hope you will join us in the planning of ArtStart 2016! My son Myles is a Sunshine and I am excited to work on this event. Email me at with your interest in joining our ArtStart organizing committee.
We will meet approximately 4 times before the anticipated event in October and the single most important thing you can volunteer is your enthusiasm.
We will plan to meet in June before folks begin their summer schedules. Don't let the idea of meetings scare you. If you want to help in other ways, we will accomodate your schedule.
I hope to hear from you soon!