Have a PIC Potluck in Your House

The Parent Involvement Committee is looking for hosts for this year’s round of Community Potluck Dinners to be held on Sunday, March 1 from 4:30 to 7:00 pm.
These potlucks, held in the homes of PIC families, are one of the Center's popular community builders. They are open to adults and children and give everyone a chance to get to know each other a little better outside of PIC.
As a host, you will open your home to at least four PIC families (more if you want!) and experience great fellowship, while you earn PPP hours.
Once all our hosts are lined up, the Parent Involvement Committee will match those interested in attending with a potluck event. Look for a call for guests to come next!
Please RSVP to PIC mom and Parent Involvement Committee member Reena Rai (Rama is a Moonbeam) by January 30 with the ages of your children and neighborhood.
Questions about the event? Email Family Life Coordinator Lynne Piersol.