Fall Family Festival

On Friday, October 30, we will host our second annual Fall Family Festival at PIC from 10:00 - 11:30 am. Our festival is a joyful gathering of children, staff and families on our Magic Circle Nature Playground.
There will be many fall-themed activities set up in stations around the playground for children and grown-ups to enjoy together. Imagine “hayrides” in wagons, dancing with scarves, face painting, stringing beads, splash painting, and more! This is a wonderful opportunity for our community to come together.
A few details about the day:
- Children should not come to PIC in costumes as we are not celebrating this day as Halloween.
- If your child is not regularly scheduled for Fridays, s/he is invited to the festival with an adult.
- If you cannot attend (or even if you can), grandparents, babysitters and/or friends are also invited.
- If a family member cannot attend, let your child’s teacher know in advance so that teachers know who to keep in their care.
- With so many people on the playground that morning, we ask that you let your teacher know if plan to take your child home after the festival.
- In the event of inclement weather, we will move the activities to the classrooms and to the Small Gym.
We look forward a very fun-filled fall at PIC and hope to see you at the Fall Family Festival!