In the Classroom: The Doodlebugs

Young children engaged in sensory play

Sensory Exploration and Discovery

The Doodlebugs have been busy exploring sensory play with new and familiar materials. This type of exploration helps children discover various textures, tastes, smells and objects.
One of our favorite experiences is using spoons to scoop wet oatmeal and fill nesting cups. While playing, the children learn that some of the cups hold less oatmeal than others, causing them to quickly reach for another cup. 
We exercised our fine motor skills by using our hands to squeeze wet cotton balls and roll play dough. We also shook round plastic shaker eggs to listen to different sounds and then buried them in feathers. 
The Doodlebugs also enjoyed pretending to bathe plastic animals in warm water. This experience was calming and enjoyable for the children and it encouraged their imagination.
While exploring, Doodlebug teachers use descriptive language to enhance this play. Some of the younger Doodlebugs do not yet have the words to describe their experiences. For them, sensory play helps build vocabulary and understand language as they repeat what they hear to their friends and teachers.
Sensory play can be limitless. It is as easy as grabbing items that are in your cupboard in order to provide fun learning experiences for your child.