Cindy Fund

Cindy Roberts serves cider to preschoolers at PIC

Support the Cindy Fund

Cindy Roberts believed in making quality child care available to every family, regardless of income. As executive director of the Parent-Infant Center in West Philadelphia, she championed PIC's longstanding commitment to providing the highest quality child care, honoring a diverse community, and serving more children.
Thanks to Cindy, PIC became one of the earliest partners to participate in Pennsylvania's Pre-K Counts initiative, established to provide publicly funded preschool education to 3- and 4-year olds from economically-disadvantaged households.
Countless studies show quality pre-K improves kids' chances of success in school and in life. But the costs are high and government subsidies don't begin to cover it.
The Roberts-Biddle family wants to see this work continue and has asked PIC to dedicate a special fund to support pre-K children on subsidy at PIC.
Donate to the Cindy Fund and help us continue what Cindy started.