BYO Happy Hour Success!

PIC Families at Happy Hour
This year's BYO Happy Hour organized by the Parent Involvement Committee was a great event!
We had a great turn out on January 30, with over 30 parents stopping by for food, drink and a great mix of music in the Sweet Building’s A-Z Room. It was a great night to catch up with friends and meet new people while the children (25 of them!) had supper and got some extra play time. Anna Kashina and Dawei Dong once again wowed us with their ballroom dance skills!
Special thanks to Megin Myers, Monica Calkins, Leah Finnegan, Fern Glazer, Monava Jones, and Lynne Piersol for their help with publicity, setup, music, and decorations. Enjoy some more photos!
      BYO Happy Hour fun
We hope to see you next year!