Bring Friends and Family to ArtStart

Invitations to ArtStart will be in the mail soon. Look for yours!
Invite friends and/or family to enjoy the fun! If you would like an invitation mailed to a family member or friend, send an email to Karen Stachelek.
Also, look for extra invitations in baskets near the entrances.
The deadline to purchase tickets and sign up for babysitting before the event is October 12th.
What could you win??
A gift certificate to a Stephen Starr restaurant, a girl’s bike from Keswick Cycle, or the Dinner-A-Month prize-homemade dinners made for you and your family once a month for 6 months!
Why Participate?
PIC began a tradition in 1986 of giving back to other families with our tuition assistance fund. It provides financial support to families who might not otherwise be able to afford the cost of quality early learning and after school programming. This year, we were able to offer twenty five more families assistance because of individuals’ donations to this fund.
Our goal is to raise over $32K on Thursday, October 22. Every donation helps!