Biggest Day of Play yet!

Saturday proved to be a beautiful day for this year's Day of Play—the biggest and best ever!
Our family concert by Ants on a Log was standing room only, and the playground was filled with families from the PIC community and beyond.
Many thanks to Day of Play committee members Erin Morris and Tamika Barrow for their work on preparing the event. Thank you also to Marina Zaitceva for photography, and to Wensong Shen, Ruolin Su, Susanna Greenberg, and Josh McNeil for volunteering on the playground, and to the many teachers who facilitated storytelling, painting, music stations and more.
We thank Adriano of the BrazBQ food truck for being a part of our day, and to Po and Jessica from The Ice Cave for their popsicles and their donation to PIC's tuition fund. We are grateful for corporate sponsor, The City Block Team, for supporting PIC's tuition assistance program.