We want everyone at ArtStart

PIC wants as many families to attend ArtStart 2019 as possible and our ticket prices are a deliberate reflection of that effort. 

Regular admission is $30 per individual ticket and $50 for two.

If you are able to do so, please consider paying a little more for this fantastic silent auction fundraiser, where you will enjoy a full buffet dinner and open bar.

  • Benefactor $125 (2 tickets)
  • Community Sponsor $250 (4 tickets)
  • Angel $500 (4 tickets)

Your contribution helps keep ticket prices low and supports PIC's Tuition Assistance program, which helps create and maintain the diverse community of families we have at PIC.

Today's Tuition Assistance program:

  • Awards grants to families whose income is below the federal poverty level.
  • Gives children of PIC teachers and staff the chance to be at PIC.
  • Funds the difference between government reimbursement and the true cost of care for PIC children supported by subsidy .

Please email Development Manager Karen Stachelek at kstachelek@parentinfantcenter.org to find out more about ticket sales or the other ways to donate, sponsor, or get involved in Artstart.

We don't want ticket prices to be a barrier for any family. Each year, business sponsors set aside tickets for families who may not be able to otherwise attend. If you would like a sponsor ticket, please contact Executive Director Deb Green at dgreen@parentinfantcenter.org with your request.