Question mark on a chalkboard photo

Here are some answers our families and friends may be looking for about our re-opening, staffing and staff support, tuition, supporting children, summer and fall for school age children, PIC sustainability and how you can help. 

How do we get in touch with PIC?

Email is the best mode of communication during our closure.

When will PIC re-open?

PIC must remain closed until we are legally authorized to reopen and it is safe to do so. While the Governor has announced the closure of K-12 schools for the remainder of the school year, child care centers fall under a separate order and we need to await an updated order that pertains to the child care industry and then assess the safety of PIC to re-open. 

How will you decide whether PIC remains closed or opens?

There are several factors that impact when we will be able to reopen:

  • Legal authorization from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as well as the City of Philadelphia

  • The health and safety of the children, teachers, staff and families who are a part of the PIC community

  • Ensuring we have adequate teachers to staff the Center 

Are you making preparations for reopening?

We have begun to plan for reopening. A Reopening Task Force made up of several board members, two physicians (one who is an infectious disease specialist), two administrators, and a teacher representing each age group has been formed. They meet weekly to review the latest CDC guidelines and their impact on PIC’s operations. Based on the most up-to-date information, the Task Force will make recommendations to PIC's Board about a timeline for reopening, as well as create handbooks for staff and families to guide us. 

Once PIC sets a date to reopen, when can my child return?

Once the closure order is lifted, we will begin to create a timeline for reopening. We know that teachers and children will not come back at the same time. Teachers will return first for training in new health and safety protocols and to prepare classrooms. Our top priority in creating a re-opening plan is the safety of children and staff.

How will children and staff stay safe once we reopen?

While the details have not yet been determined, families will see new protocols such as staggered drop-off and pick-up times that take place outside the building, reduced hours of operation, reduced class sizes, daily temperature checks, and teachers and children over the age of two wearing masks.

Are you still planning for Summer Camp 2020?

Updated 5/11/20: A decision has not yet been made about PIC Summer Camp. If we open, the program will look different than we had originally planned. Families may see changes such as a delayed start date, a shorter day, and no swimming or trips via buses. We are continuing to accept applications.

While we do not yet know the timeline for this closure, we are very much planning for our camp program to welcome campers for summer 2020. We are continuing to accept applications.

What are your plans for the After School program in the 20-21 school year?

We continue to accept applications for our After School program for Fall of 2020 and expect that there will be no interruption of services.

Are staff working while PIC is closed?

Yes, our team of administrators are working from home keeping the operational side of PIC running during our closure. Our teachers are maintaining classroom connections and extending curriculum through at-home activities. All PIC staff are using this time to pursue professional development opportunities.

How is PIC supporting my child’s growth and learning while closed?

PIC Teachers are holding live "Morning Meetings" with their classrooms, live bedtime read-aloud times, weekly all-PIC children's concerts, and ongoing After School special interest clubs. Teachers offer many at-home activities, extend curriculum, and keep the classroom connected via ongoing emails. PIC website is a resource for families filled with PIC Teacher generated ideas for learning, as well as a collection of links to other places to find inspiration and motivation while families are at home.

How can my child communicate with teachers while the center is closed?

Teachers will offer opportunities for virtual meetings for as long as possible. PIC teachers are always reachable via their email address.

Are PIC teachers being paid during this time?

Updated 4/23/20: PIC was approved for funding through the Paychex Protection Program (PPP) Loan, which gives us the chance to of cover staff salaries and benefits through mid-June.

The PIC Board of Directors has approved paying teachers through the month of April, regardless if we remain closed for some or all of that time. If the closure extends beyond April, the Board will meet again to discuss further decisions.

Are teachers still receiving benefits?

Full-time teachers will continue to receive full benefits during the time of our closure.

Will they keep their jobs?

Our goal is to support teachers to the very best of our ability during our closure in hopes that everyone will be able to quickly return to work when we reopen.

How can I help PIC teachers during this time?

The best way to help PIC teachers is to make a donation to PIC's COVID-19 Relief Fund. All donations will support the continuation of salaries and benefits to teachers and give us much needed financial resources to prepare to reopen. 

How does this closure impact my child's move-up? 

The response to this question is completely dependent upon the timing of our re-opening. While it makes some sense for children move to a new classroom if they are age-eligible, this will depend upon the availability of space in older-age classrooms. We will communicate with every family whose child may be moving up to a new classroom to tell them of the status of the move-up.

Can I apply for a tuition refund for the last two weeks in March?

We are not offering refunds for tuition paid for the last two weeks of March. This funding is needed in order to be able to pay teachers for that time period. 

Will PIC be providing any emergency childcare while the center is closed?

Given the nature of this situation, we will not be offering emergency care. 

What are the basic costs that PIC has to pay to stay in business?

We need approximately $350,000 per month to stay in business, which includes paying staff. This monthly expense amount reflects the reduction of many regular expenses.

Is PIC applying for loans, grants, or subsidies available for child care facilities? 

The US government CARES Act was established as a relief fund for businesses losing revenue during this crisis and provides funding for the continuation of staff salaries. We have applied for that funding, and are also following every funding lead possible. We are also awaiting a Pennsylvania relief package for businesses impacted by the crisis. While none of this funding is guaranteed, we have gotten all applications in early and remain hopeful.

I am donating money to PIC this month. What is it being used for?

Any donations made during this time will support the continuation of staff salaries during this closure and offset ongoing expenses that we have while closed. Please consider making a donation to PIC's COVID-19 Relief Fund.

Can you suggest helpful links related to the COVID-19 situation?

Supports for families:

Useful information about COVID-19 

Please email Communications Manager Rachel Isaacson at or send a message through the contact page if you have additional questions.
