Posts in 'Event'


Don't miss the chance to bid on these amazing silent auction items at ArtStart 2019! Watch the Eagles take on the Giants with two box suite tickets for December 9 game at 8 pm at the Linc. Watch the 76ers take on the Cavaliers on Nov. 12 with two tickets to the game. Breakfast with the Phanatic...
Upcoming 2019-2020 dates and topics for PIC's Coffee & Conversation Series have been announced! Each month we gather over coffee to discuss child development and the challenges of parenting at every age. All sessions meet over coffee from 8:30 - 9: 30 am in the Sweet Building A-Z Room (ground level)...
On Friday, October 11, we will host our annual Fall Family Festival at PIC from 10:30 am - noon. The festival is a joyful gathering of children, staff and families on our Magic Circle Nature Playground. There will be many fall-themed activities set up in stations around the playground for children...
Each year, we invite your child's "grandest" grown ups to spend time in the classroom during the week of Thanksgiving! This year, Grandfriends Days will take place on November 26 and 27. These special guests are invited to come on Tuesday or Wednesday, where they will join Executive Director Deb...
Each year, we ask families to reaffirm their commitment to our community by supporting ArtStart, PIC's fall fundraiser. The money we raise, provides financial assistance to families with children enrolled in our early learning, after school, and summer camp programs. How can you help ArtStart raise...

This year's Kindergarten Play Date was bigger and better than ever! Current PIC families and families from the neighborhood came to meet, play, and learn from one another about the next big step in their child's education. PIC After School Center teachers were also on hand to greet families.

New (or not-so-new) PIC families are invited to come to one of the two upcoming New Family Orientation meetings - 8/28 and 9/25. Both meetings will be held from 8:30 - 9:30 am in the Sweet Building A-Z Room. Hear from Executive Director Deb Green about PIC's history, new initiatives, events for...
WE HAVE SOLD OUT! But you can still support the event! With your help, more families who cannot afford tuition, will have the chance to send their children to PIC. Give a child the gift of tuition assistance. Thursday, October 24 5:30 - 8 pm St. Andrews Chapel on PIC's West Philadelphia campus It's...
updated 8/5/19 At last week's meeting, the ArtStart Committee (still seeking members) agreed upon the evening's theme. This year will be A Night at the Opera, with a wine tasting table (through a sponsorship of underwriting from Moore Bros.) and a full buffet dinner from our friends at Beijing...
We had a great Spoil-Your-Supper Ice Cream Social last week. The weather was perfect, children were happy, and families "mixed it up" on the blacktop. Nothing better!