ArtStart 2017 in photos!

ARTSTART 2017 - a great victory for kids!
On October 19, more than 200 guests gathered to Vote YES for Kids! The evening filled with good friends, children’s art, and silent auction bidding celebrated children and the importance of giving them a quality start in life.
This year was a great success, raising over $41,000 to support children at PIC whose families are unable to afford full tuition.
THANK YOU to our item donors, guests, advertisers, contributors, and volunteers for a great night out and very successful fundraiser!
A special thank you goes to Event Co-Chairs Angela Curry (Finbarr is in the After School Center, younger brother Desmond is in the Roadrunners, and baby Oscar is the newest Curry!) and Jen Healey (Karoline is in the After School Center). They led an extraordinary committee of current and former PIC families that brought in close to 100 unique auction items, support from area businesses for a program book and sponsorship, and donations of food and beverages.

ArtStart 2017 sponsors were FS Investments as our Presenting Benfactor, Ballard Spahr, Jeff "City" Block, and STARR Restaurants, Bluestone Construction and Temple University's Continuing Education program as Event Benefactors.
This year's program featured City Solicitor and PIC parent Sozi Tulante who spoke to the crowd about the importance of early childhood education in his children's lives, and the importance of giving that opportunity to other children.

Guests enjoyed an a elaborate buffet dinner generously donated by Beijing and a wonderful array of appetizers from STARR Restaurants. Additional goodies were provided by PIC families and other area businesses, including Metropolitan Bakery, Moore Bros. Wine Company, Pasqually’s Pizza, and Yards Brewing.
We are grateful for the support we received from the entire PIC Community. Everyone shares in the event's success!

PIC Teachers deserve a huge round of applause for the work they do as educators in the classroom each day and for their skillful guidance of children as they created the masterpieces that were displayed around the Chapel. Our strong network of Room Parents played the important role of involving PIC families in the event.
Committee member Caroline Connolly worked especially hard with our preschoolers this year creating beautiful collaborative art blankets that together with our themed classroom baskets brought in over $1,600

photo credit: Thank you PIC Enrollment Coordinator Grace Piaña for her wonderful photos of the event.
To learn more about this event or other PIC fundraising efforts, call Development Manager Karen Stachelek at 215-222-5480 or email