Posts in 'Community Building'

Community Building

At PIC's Fall Family Festival we celebrated the season with lots of fun outdoor activities, including an acorn-filled sensory table and with ramps, creating leaf crowns, a dance party, and more!
Creating Classroom Community Last weekend brought PIC teachers and 15 families together (close to 50 people!) for the annual Roadrunners camping trip. The weather was perfect and according to one dad, "It was rewarding to see the kids enjoying the outdoors and each other without the distractions of...
ARTSTART 2017 - a great victory for kids! On October 19, more than 200 guests gathered to Vote YES for Kids! The evening filled with good friends, children’s art, and silent auction bidding celebrated children and the importance of giving them a quality start in life. This year was a great success...
Here are a few things to know to make your evening more enjoyable! Prepare to bid on these silent auction items! What would you like to bring home at the end of the night? Start in the Small GymThis year, your first stop of the night will be the Small Gym to pick up your name tag, program and bid...
ArtStart is a stellar evening out made possible by many of our neighbors and friends providing in-kind gifts towards our fundraising efforts. These not only make for an evening that is far more entertaining than a $30 ticket might indicate, but help us dedicate over 90% of the funds raised each fall...
PIC Early Learning and After School classrooms kick off the school year by hosting evening potlucks with their families. Families will gather in their child's classroom for a brief (adult-only) meeting with the teaching team to learn about classroom practices and what is in store for the year ahead...
PIC's summer social events bring our families and staff together to cool off and strengthen our community.
All families and staff are invited to get social this summer. Don't miss these three fun family events: June 29 - Lemonade Lull July 26 - Ice Cream Social August 16 - Watermelon Wednesday Pick up your kid(s) and meet us from 5-6 on the blacktop.
Our events keep us vibrant May was tremendous. Our inaugural Day of Play fundraiser ( read about the day's success ) exceeded all expectations. While early rain moved our children’s concert indoors, by the time the music ended the sky had brightened, giving us a fun afternoon on the playground. An...
Last Thursday, nearly 200 of us had Smith Playground all to ourselves for the 2017 All-PIC picnic and potluck. PIC provided the hoagies and drinks on the covered porch of the "playhouse", while families brought tons of side dishes and desserts. There was plenty to eat! The playground has more than...