Posts in 'In the Classroom'

In the Classroom

Eating Right from the Start written by Lead Teacher Joann Schock In all the years that I have been teaching and with all the kids that have come through my classroom, I can tell you that everyone is interested in what is good for their bodies. The idea that food can help you to be healthy and strong...
Sunshines Love Parent Participation Completing your Parent Participation Program (PPP) requirement is a great opportunity for parents to be actively involved at PIC. There are many opportunities to help out. Parents can sign up to wash laundry, wash toys, repair books, attend center-wide workdays...
Wild Things Welcome Nature Over the past few months, the Wild Things classroom has acquired not only several hanging plants, but also a freshwater fish tank. Both of these are easy ways of incorporating nature into the classroom. The simple additions have not only provided our children with a more...
Spring... it's a treat! The Leapfrogs have felt that winter was here for too long. Some of the reasons we are excited for spring is because we can be outside more often, we can smell pretty flowers, and we don’t have to wear heavy snow boots. We introduced spring with a big bag of potting soil in...
Having a Ball! Who doesn’t love a good ball? We have a number of children who are just in love with sports! Balls can be a source of great joy to many Grasshoppers, but for the teachers, they at times can be a big challenge. The overwhelming desire for competition that accompanies ball play is often...
Singing Our Way to Science! Submitted by Starfish Assistant Teacher Kali Strand It all started when we noticed the Starfish spontaneously singing the Oscar-award winning song, Let It Go from the movie Frozen several times a day. We never imagined that what began as a catchy tune would end up in an...
Messy Play is Fun The Doodlebugs are enjoying engaging in messy play. Over the last few weeks we have finger painted with a mixture of paint and oatmeal, we painted with our feet, and we made play dough together. Our favorite was making edible play dough. The older children poured the flour and...
PIC's After School curriculum engages children in weekly learning clubs. Each club features a variety of enrichment areas, including nature, cooking, sports, gardening, dance, crafts, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), among others. With every 8-week cycle, the selection of...
What Will They Come Up with Next? Submitted by Eagles Lead Teacher Carolanne Mitchell The Hawks and Eagles’ Nature is Awesome! Club was started last year with the intention of getting kids outside and connecting them with nature on a regular basis. We are fortunate to be in an area with lots of...
Following a Path to Emergence Submitted by Roadrunner Assistant Teacher Angel Brice Who's the teacher here? The Roadrunners have not engaged in any of the activities we have prepared for them this morning. Instead they are beating on drums and tambourines, singing, running, and dancing! As a teacher...