Posts in 'ArtStart'


Handmade Sock Monkey This hand-sewn monkey, specially made for ArtStart, is waiting for a forever home. He has been created and donated by Elizabeth Zack, a friend of ArtStart chair Mary Beth Fedirko. Are You an ArtStart Star in the Making?! What’s your talent?! Do you have a friend with a talent...
A wide range of corporations and community organizations throughout Philadelphia and beyond have demonstrated their commitment to early childhood education and are garnering a lot of press coverage. Here are the latest headlines: Franklin Square Capital Partners Takes Presenting Benefactor Spot at...
For all you foodies out there...we’ve just confirmed an amazing auction item already in place for October! On-the-Job with Craig LaBan Tag along for a confidential, top-secret review meal with Philadelphia Inquirer restaurant critic, Craig LaBan. This opportunity allows for two adventurous eaters...
ArtStart, our evening auction fundraiser will be held on October 20th, and plans are already in the works! Some of the best items at our silent auction are created by or brought about by our own teachers and families, alumni, and friends. Hand-made jewelry, brunch brought to your door, free passes...
... is this year’s theme for ArtStart! October 20th is the date of this fall’s social event of the season and St. Andrew’s Chapel is the place. At our first planning meeting, the event committee (in formation-- meaning there's still time to join!) worked out this year’s theme, along with other new...
Are you inspired by the fact that PIC makes a difference in the lives of your family as well as others? Are you i nterested in being part of the movement to provide more families with access to this engaging and warm childcare experience? I invite you to help us plan ArtStart 2016. PIC’s tuition...
On October 22, more than 200 parents, alumni, friends, and staff gathered for a night of delicious food and drink, good company, and one of the best exhibitions of children’s art in Philadelphia. This year was a great success, raising over $30,000 to help provide tuition assistance to families at...
Child Care for ArtStart is FULL, but you can still come! If you DON'T need care, tickets will be available at the door--$35 for one, $60 for two. If you are coming to ArtStart and signed up for child care, please proceed directly to the event in the chapel. If you stop at your child's classroom, it...
Thanks to everyone who came out and helped on a VERY productive Saturday work day. Over 250 pieces of artwork were mounted in preparation of Thursday's ArtStart fundraiser-- every child has a piece in the show! Event supplies were brought over to the chapel and the sanctuary was scrubbed and swept...
Don't miss these great items donated by PIC Staff. 1. Valley Green Hike for Kids Longtime PIC Lead Teachers Joann Schock and Christel Urmenyhazi will lead a hike of up to 8 children (over 3 years old) on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2015 in the Wissahickon. Hikers will admire foliage along the Wissahickon...