What Happened at In-Service

PIC Fall In-Service 2015
At PIC we have few opportunities during the year for our staff to gather as a full community and to participate in professional development together. We were delighted for the chance to gather together for the two days before Labor Day weekend.
We covered a myriad of topics, some quite serious and others that had us laughing until our sides hurt. A few highlights of our time together:
  • In recognition of the rich and vibrant community PIC is located in, we sent teams of teachers into the neighborhood on a scavenger hunt to collect (or take photos of) items ranging from natural objects for our classrooms and playground, to favorite places to take children, to items that represent various shapes, sizes, scents and colors.  
  • We participated in a workshop titled Race Matters that was presented by Kim Farmer and T’mora Jackson from the Delaware Valley Association for the Education of Young Children (DVAEYC)
  • We gathered in small groups to discuss things that went really well this past year, challenges we want to address, and group hopes for PIC.
  • We celebrated teachers who have PIC tenures of 5, 10, 15 and 20 years, teachers who have celebrated recent big “life events” such as babies born and marriages, and teachers who have completed college degrees. 
  • Our teaching teams prepared their classrooms (cleaning, decluttering, rearranging, and organizing) and discussed the year ahead.

We are ready for a great school year ahead!