Week of the Young Child

The Week of the Young Child™ is an annual celebration hosted by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) celebrating early learning, young children, their teachers, and families. 

This year's event is April 16–20!

At PIC, we will be joining in the national celebration. We're so excited for a week long celebration of our youngest learners! 


Music Monday! Sing, dance, celebrate, and learn

Through music, children develop math, language, and literacy skills - All while having fun and being active! We'll have an outdoor jam on the blacktop! All classes are invited to bring out instruments, streamers, and bubbles. We'll have the stereo hooked up starting at 11am

Tasty Tuesday - Healthy eating and fitness at home and school

We'll have a cozy healthy day with PAJAMA DAY and breakfast for snack throughout the center! 

Work Together Wednesday - Work together, build together, learn together

As we get ready for the Earth Day Parade on Friday, let's work together to make signs, posters, or streamers to carry with us on our parade. We love the Earth and we love each other! What messages do the children and teachers want to share?

Artsy Thursday - Think, problem solve, create

Children develop creativity, social skills and fine motor skills with open-ended art projects where they can make choices, use their imaginations, and create with their hands. Each class should bring an art material to the tot lot, nature play ground, blacktop, or sandbox area for some shared outdoor art fun.

TRY THIS: Bring art outdoors! Offer dark and light paper, chalk and pastels, and suggest children create their own versions of the day and night sky!

Family Friday  - Earth Day Parade! 10:30am

Engaging and celebrating families is at the heart of supporting our youngest learners.

Families are invited to join us for the parade!

We would love to have children carry their signs, streamers, musical instruments, or whatever feels festive along the route.

We will depart PIC about 10:30 a.m. for our walk (or stroller rides) to Penn's campus, where we will gather for a group sing-along. 


Looking forward to a wonderful week!


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