Tot Lot October - Stump Us!

We are seeking a large tree stump approximately 8-10 feet in length that we can position on the grass for the children to pull up on. If anyone has any leads (and/or access to getting such a stump to PIC), please email Executive Director Debbie Green.
The tree stump will be an additional natural item that the children will get to engage with. We are nearly done with the installation of the bamboo fencing that already gives the space a much cozier and more natural feel. 
Three wooden tree boxes that will hold the trees we will plant are now under construction and should be delivered later this month. Additional wooden boxes will also be built to hold plantings.
Next up will be the delivery and installation of  a 12 x 12 shade structure that will go over the newly built sandbox. We are also having a mud/dirt box built so the children will be able to interact with dirt and mud all the time.
We are dealing with many moving parts on this project and greatly look forward to the pieces all coming together. 
If anyone has any questions or ideas please email Deb or stop by her office.