Presenting PIC at DVAEYC

This year, PIC was honored to participate in the annual conference organized by the Delaware Valley Association for the Education of Young Children (DVAEYC) in an unprecedented way. We served as a satellite site for conference workshops, which also gave us the chance to shine a spotlight on our classrooms.
We hosted close to 50 DVAEYC conference attendees for two workshops and for classroom visits.
Executive Director Deb Green presented an extended-session workshop titled Sharing Our Reggio Inspired Journey. On a guided tour of PIC, participants saw elements of the Reggio Emilia educational philosophy incorporated into our classrooms. Visible were ways in which teachers implement long term projects throughout their curriculum and make children’s learning visible through documentation.
PIC preschool teachers Jacob Kerner and Joann Schock led an extended-session workshop entitled Building Literacy Skills Through Play. They hoped to get teachers excited to return to the classroom with new ideas on how to incorporate literacy throughout their room.
Michael Roach, who has been promoted to a lead teacher position beginning this June, presented a session titled Gender-Less: Creating Early Childhood Spaces that Welcome Gender Diversity. Michael offered participants materials, strategies and language for teachers to use that allow young children to explore their identity more freely.
Our visitors shared many accolades in seeing the classrooms and our teachers showcased their experience and classrooms on social media.
Helping this field to continually move forward is a part of PIC’s mission. We were grateful for the opportunity to share what we learn through the work we do with young children at our center everyday.