PPP Task Force Chairs need your help

A letter from Sugirtha and Erica

Dear PIC families,
Your survey feedback is loud and clear. For many of you (about 40% in fact), the current PPP program is not working.  
You get the intent and the spirit behind it: to give parents the opportunity to meaningfully partake in their children’s crucial early development years and to foster a community of families that share these values. 
But it’s become increasingly apparent that today’s families are overloaded, stretched thin and stressed out.  
For many of you, the PPP program has felt more like a burden than a benefit. It’s time for a change.
We want the program to be feasible for, and supportive of, today's working families. Let's find ways to overhaul PPP while staying true to PIC's mission to ‘build a strong community of families and staff that encourages the healthy development of children through a unique approach that involves families in many phases of center life.’ (See PIC’s full mission)
A PPP Task Force has been formed to take a comprehensive look at the program, understand what’s working/not working, and recommend improvements.
Erica Zimmer and Sugirtha Stathis will lead the task force (see intros below), but we can’t (and shouldn’t) do this alone. This affects all of us. We need your voice, and we need your help. This is our chance to effect real, meaningful change for the broader PIC community.
If you are interested and able to participate on the task force, we’d like 2-3 more parents to be involved. Email Sugirtha Stathis or Erica Zimmer.
  • August - Online PPP submission goes live! (with online tracking soon to follow)
  • August 2, 5:00 pm, Staff Resource Room (Spruce)
    Next PPP Task Force Meeting (open to all; please email if you can’t attend, but would like to be involved)
  • September - PPP survey sent to all families
Thank you!
Sugirtha and Erica
PPP Task Force Co-Chairs
Sugirtha Stathis
(pronounced ‘Suh-GEE-tha’)
Quality Committee Member
My 2-year-old son Kal is a Moonbeam and my 6-year-old daughter Zoe is a summer camper. I work full-time at Penn and my level of “busy” ebbs and flows with the school year. My husband runs a business and his schedule can be quite unpredictable. We have struggled with completing our PPP hours, and it’s been a source of stress and guilt at times. BUT, I believe there is a better way and am committed to finding a solution that works for more families and gets us back to the core values of this program.
Erica Zimmer
Parent Involvement Committee Chair
Board Member
I am the mother of 2-year-old Elijah (soon-to-be Sunshine) and 5-year-old Maya (PIC alumnus). With my job, there have been times that I have had to travel for an extensive period of time, making PPP a challenge. The Parent Involvement Committee has discussed for many years the need for change with this program and I am thrilled to help take on the challenge.