From the PPP Task Force

We heard you!

We were overwhelmed by the response to the PPP survey. Over 150 families completed it – a clear indication of how invested the PIC community is in our efforts to revamp the program.
The Task Force is digging into the comments to understand key themes and potential solutions.  
In the meantime, we wanted to share a few highlights:
●  Most parents said it’s important to them to feel connected to other families in the PIC community.
●  Events that facilitate community-building and casual socializing with others, like family-hosted potlucks and PIC work days, are among the most preferred activities.
●  There is strong interest in having PPP opportunities that involve children, rather than require alternate child care arrangements and additional time apart from them (time that for many parents is already limited).
●  Many families are frustrated by the end-of-year penalties charged for PPP shortfalls, and feel added stress due to the time and financial obligations of PPP.
●  There are mixed perceptions about the intended purpose of the program and its value to the Center and its families.
Note:  We are delving into this further, but wanted to clarify here that the Center benefits primarily from the 3,500 volunteer hours donated annually through PPP, which has proven far more impactful than the relatively nominal end-of-year revenues received each year.
The PPP Task Force, in partnership with the Parent Involvement Committee, will continue to review these results in the coming weeks and discuss how we can restructure the program to better meet the needs of families and the Center overall. 
Next steps:
●  While there is no “quick fix” solution to roll out, we will start by reassessing the hourly requirement and end-of-year charges, which have been a major pain-point for many families.
●  We are also reviewing survey feedback from PIC teachers to understand from their perspective how parent involvement can be most valuable to them in the classroom. 
●  In addition, we’ll be conducting individual parent interviews to gain deeper insights following the survey findings.
We need more parents!  We are currently the only two parents serving on the PPP Task Force. For such an important initiative that touches every PIC family, we would like to have greater parental representation to help shape the future of PPP.  We meet for an hour every 4-6 weeks, and may have an occasional conference call.  
If you are interested, please email Communications Manager Rachel Isaacson at
We’ll be in touch with further updates as things progress.
Thank you,
Sugirtha Stathis and Erica Zimmer
PIC Parents and PPP Task Force Co-Chairs