Plants...part of Day of Play

Some tried and true, and some new varieties.
Phlox intensia white has bright white blooms flowering from early summer until the frost with little maintenance. It is great for container plantings or as a border, and is drought tolerant.
There will be geraniums, SunPatiens, and marigolds, too!
Hanging Baskets & Patio Pots
Not interested in digging in the dirt? Get yourself some hanging baskets or a pre-planted patio pot.
The Calibrachoa ‘Hula Blue’ pictured here, or the Geranium Ivy Cascade Sofie baskets do well in sun, attract butterflies to your porch, and are easy to maintain.
All your favorites will back - thyme, lavender, oregano, and of course, basil!
Making & Taking Orders
In addition to the online store, paper order forms will be available in each building at PIC for those who like to keep things old school. Order during the month-long pre-sale to guarantee your choices, and to earn some PPP!
Whether you purchase plants yourself or sell them to family and friends, sales credited to you of $100 or more will earn you two PPP hours. Earn another hour for each $20 sold after that.
Let family, friends, neighbor, and co-workers know about the online store (and to credit you as the seller), and watch the dollars and PPP hours add up. Last year, 32 families each earned 10 hours or more of PPP from asking friends to support a great event.
When you come to PIC to pick up your plants on May 20, be sure to allow yourself and your family some time to enjoy the morning activities on the playground.