Plant Sale Pre-Sales Start Monday

PIC Plant Sale is here
On Monday, March 21, the PIC online store will open for business! Browse the store at Make your selection and then send the link to your family, neighbors, friends and co-workers so they can have first pick of this year’s selection, too. 
Don’t have a garden? This year we have a great selection of houseplants, container plants, and pre-planted pots ready to be placed on your steps, porch, or balcony. Lots of new varieties to choose from! 
What are the prizes for top sellers? PIC families can participate in PIC's spring fundraiser by selling plants and competing for prizes. In addition to getting hours of PPP, the top seller will win a large planter from Terrain. Our second place seller will receive a $25 gift card to The Dandelion. In addition, classrooms where 100% of families and teachers purchase or sell at least one plant will also win a prize.
Want to earn more PPP? Help spread the word about the PIC Plant Sale to all Philadelphia neighborhoods. Contact Development Manager Karen Stachelek and pick up a set of posters to post throughout the city! Think about the small businesses you frequent that have “Community Postings” bulletin boards. The grocery store, hardware store, coffee shop, dog groomer, rec center that you go to in Bella Vista, Overbrook, Fairmount and Grays Ferry are waiting to hear about the Plant Sale. 
Who’s going to be at the Plant Sale Days on April 29 and April 30? On Friday, Greensgrow Farms will be at the chapel. On Saturday, Bennett Compost will be there selling soil and compost, and PAWS will be there from noon-2:00 pm.