PIC Goes Nut Free

For the last several years we have seen a steady increase in the number of children who have been diagnosed with nut allergies. This year we have hit an all-time high, with only two classrooms that DO NOT have children with nut allergies.
While many of these allergies are mild, we do have children who can experience quite severe reactions. With so many affected, it is no longer possible to decide classroom-by-classroom as we have done in the past. Not to mention, everything needs adjusting when children move-up.
Thus, as of this week, PIC will be a NUT FREE campus. This means that no peanuts, peanut butter, or tree nuts (such as almonds and walnuts) should be brought into or served at PIC.
We also ask that you do not bring any items with nuts to give to your child at the end of the day (granola bars, cereals, peanut butter crackers, etc.). 
Teachers will inform families if there is a child in the classroom with severe nut allergies where further precautions may need to be taken. 
We feel that this is the most practical way to keep our children with nut allergies as safe as possible.
If you have any questions, please contact Executive Director Debbie Green.