PIC Early Learning Family Feedback Surveys

We are in the process of looking at the results of our annual PIC Early Learning Family Feedback Survey that had a completion deadline last week.  A separate survey is being sent to families in the After School Center and we will look at those results when that survey is completed.  We are happy to have received well over 160 responses to the Early Learning survey as of this writing.   In a brief early analysis of the responses, we quickly see that while there are very few areas  that received more than a 2% "Not Satisfactory" rating. We do see from the comments sections that we need to do a better job communicating on many aspects of our program, from the organizations that provide oversight to PIC, to our development efforts and to program decisions.   


Thus, we are going to begin a section of the e-News that will be entitled Why does PIC…?  and that will be a place where we can regularly share information about what we do and why we do it.  Some of the pieces in this new section will be in response to survey comments and others will be related to areas that come up that we feel may need more explanation or clarification. While we are very aware that we will always have a cross-section of responses to any and probably all aspects of what we do, we do hope to be as transparent as possible.  The first Why does PIC…?  article is on the topic of PIC oversight, with the relevant timing of the recent completion of our NAEYC 5-year annual re-accreditation process.

Once fully compiled, we will be sharing an overview of the survey responses via the e-News.  Additionally, our Executive Director Deb Green will host several opportunities to hear more about the feedback, as well as PIC successes and challenges of the past year and about upcoming plans. This is also an opportunity to share your own ideas and suggestions.  The first feedback session will be held  on Thursday, May 21st at 8:30 am in the A-Z Room on the ground floor of the Sweet Building.   The other opportunities will be scheduled for early June and will include at least one late afternoon session.