Optional Lunch Program Tasting

We are excited to announce that PIC has entered into an agreement with Lintons Managed Services to provide an optional lunch program for children in the toddler and preschool classrooms (all classrooms except the Bumblebees, Caterpillars, Wild Things and Doodlebugs) beginning September 2017.
On Wednesday, May 24, you are invited to an Information and Tasting Session from 5-6 pm in the A-Z Room (Ground floor, Spruce). 
At 5 pm, Executive Director Deb Green will present an overview of the program to the group. Following this, Lintons will provide sample menus and food for you to taste. This is an adult-only event.
If you would like to attend, please complete the RSVP form online.
While some details are still being worked out, we can share the following:
  • Menu - The menu not only meets food and nutrition guidelines for children, but also provides whole grains, fresh fruit, and vegetable options.
  • Special dietary needs - There will be vegetarian and pork-free options. If you select either, a special meal will be delivered each day for your child. 
  • Beverages - Children will be given milk and water for lunch. No drinks with sugar will be served.
  • All year long - The lunch program will run for the full year. 
  • Trial period - The first three months will be a trial period. If you are not satisfied with the program, you may opt out for the remainder of the year, as long as you let us know by the 15th of September, October, or November. You will not be billed beginning the following month.
  • When you opt in, you are all in - You must sign-up for every day that your child(ren) is/are enrolled. At this time, we cannot offer an option to opt in/out daily, or week by week.
  • Billing - Charges for the lunch program will appear on your monthly tuition bill. 
  • Cost - For families who are NOT income-eligible for PreK Counts or CCIS subsidy, the cost of the lunch program for a child enrolled 5-days-a-week will be $4.85 per day, which is $24.25 per week / $97.00 per month. Invoices will be prorated for families with children enrolled less than 5-days-a-week, and reduced (or at no charge) for families who receive public subsidy.
  • When to apply - We will begin accepting applications for the lunch program in June. Keep an eye on the weekly e-news for more information on the application process.
With such a strong and positive response to the Lunch Option Survey that we distributed a few months ago, we are thrilled to be able to launch this new program.
We hope to see you on May 24!