May Message from Deb Green

Post Plant Sale Ponderings
As an avid gardener, I was quite certain that I would take great pleasure in being part of my first PIC Plant Sale, but I was surely not prepared for just how much I would both enjoy and learn from the experience.
Admittedly, unloading hundreds of plants during what seemed like an early May monsoon, was not all that fun. However, within a few hours, while the outside world was still rainy and incredibly dreary, I was standing inside the magnificent chapel space surrounded by more flowers than I ever imagined.
I have watched over the past two months as our Development and Communications team, Karen Stachelek and Rachel Isaacson, worked so diligently to manage the many, many components of the Plant Sale. I sat with the Plant Sale committee, chaired by PIC moms Jill Shashaty and Marni Fogelson-Teel, as they divided and conquered the list of tasks to be completed.
On the two plant delivery days, I was impressed with the volunteers who showed up to unload plants and fill 640 orders. We are especially grateful for the corporate volunteer teams from Reed Technology and Beneficial Bank who joined our ranks for the second year in a row.
There were also countless volunteers, PIC families and dedicated alumni, who filled our KidPots, helped customers find their orders and carry them to their cars, staffed the bake sale, and assisted with countless other tasks to make the sale such a successful event. I send out a huge thanks to each and every one of them.
While I had expected to fill orders and help customers carry plants to their cars, I had not expected that the Plant Sale would serve as an opportunity to meet so many people and to hear so many terrific stories of PIC.
I met many PIC alumni parents, some who have purchased plants every year since the sale began nearly 25 years ago. They shared memories of special teachers and traditions, and of the spirit that so clearly defines PIC. Former PIC Board members shared of their time serving PIC and of the changes that took place during their tenures.
I also met community members, whose connection to PIC is their annual walk to the chapel to buy plants. I even met a woman whose brother was married in the chapel nearly thirty years ago and it was her first time returning to the space. During every one of these conversations, I learned a bit more about the history of PIC and I was reminded of the fondness that PIC holds to so many.
I also had the opportunity to help many people make plant purchase selections during the open-sale. I helped one grandfather choose selections to create a children’s garden for his grandchildren, another who wanted to purchase scented herbs to cheer up two of her friends, and yet another who wanted plants to keep the neighborhood cats from pooping in her garden!
Yes, the PIC Plant Sale is an important fundraiser in the life of the organization, but I realized that it is about SO much more. It involves current families who volunteer for the event, giving them an opportunity to meet and spend time with fellow parents. It helps keep us connected to many people whose daily lives no longer include PIC. It gives our neighbors the chance to learn about PIC and the good work that we do. And for me, this year offered many opportunities to hear of PIC’s roots and its growth through the years.
And if I may have one final reflection. In the end, we have not only raised money for families who struggle with the cost of tuition, but we have helped beautify the neighborhood. What candy sale or wrapping paper fundraiser can claim that?