Kindergarten Registration Starts Jan. 21

Philadelphia’s Kindergarten Registration for the 2014-2015 school year will run from January 21 through May 30. If your child will be five years old by September 1, you can register for the fall.
If you wish to enroll your child in a kindergarten other than at your neighborhood school, you must complete an Elementary and Middle School Selection Application by Friday, January 17th
There will be a district- wide Kindergarten Open House on March 4, 2014 and Kindergarten Open House Week from May 12-16, 2014.
The registration lottery period for the Penn Alexander School will run through Friday, February 28. Registration is open to students who live within the school’s catchment area. Applications can be submitted at the school between 8:30 am and 3:00 pm. The lottery will be conducted on March 5 and parents will be notified by letter during the week of March 10. No need to stand in line! Please check with other area schools for their details.  
For more information on kindergarten registration, visit the Philadelphia School District's website. You may also read registation documents in translated languages.