Jill Invites You to Help with the Plant Sale

Dear PIC Parents,
As a member of the Plant Sale Committee for the second time, I'm writing to invite you to get involved in this great event and earn PPP!
Last year, after 5 years of enjoying the Plant Sale, I finally decided to join the committee. I had a really wonderful experience and think that you might enjoy being on the committee as much as I did. (It was much less work and much more fun than I'd imagined!) I'm hoping I can tempt you to join, too.
Here's what you need to know:
Basic Info: The PIC Plant Sale is one of PIC's two major, annual scholarship fundraisers. Each year, we raise tens of thousands of dollars for PIC's tuition assistance program, which makes high quality early childhood education available to more and more families. The PIC Plant Sale consists of a pre-order period during which buyers select and order plants, followed by a sale in the chapel on PIC's campus during the first weekend in May.
Time Commitment: We're having our second meeting soon and would love to have more parents on board. The group meets monthly between now and the plant sale (early May), usually for an hour in the late afternoon (starting at 4, 5, or 6). Additional time commitments depend on which tasks members choose to get involved in, such as helping coordinate volunteers, publicizing the event, or selecting which plants we'll offer this year. Even if you only have a little bit of time to give, please consider joining -- there's room for everyone!
Benefits: (1) PPP hours, (2) getting a head start on spring by planning one of West Philly's most popular greening events, (3) meeting and getting to know other PIC families and new PIC director Deb Green, and (4) learning more about gardening!
Additional Opportunities to Help: If you'd like to get involved but aren't able to join the committee, keep an eye out for calls for volunteers. We'll need folks to prime KidPots (child-decorated pots sold to families and at the sale), prepare orders the week of the sale, contribute baked goods, and bring lawn signs home to promote the sale. among other things.
If you have any questions about the committee, please feel free to email me. If you're interested in joining, email Executive Director Deb Green.
Thanks everyone!
Jill Shashaty
PIC parent to Anna (ASC), Gabriel (PN) and Dahlia (SS)