Help with the PIC Plant Sale

There may be snow on the ground, but PIC is already thinking about our annual Spring Plant Sale, which will take place on May 1 and 2 this year!
Join us on Tuesday, Jan. 27, from 5:00 to 6:00 pm for an informational session in the Sweet Building's A-Z Room. Swing by at any point.
When you volunteer to work on the plant sale fundraiser you earn PPP, you meet other parents, and you support our tuition assistance fund which helped 35 of our families last year.
Opportunities include selecting plants, promoting our fundraiser, or coordinating volunteers and happenings on sale days. There is a task for every schedule and every talent, and a green thumb is NOT a necessary prerequisite!
If you can’t make the meeting, stop by or email Development Manager Karen Stachelek for more information or with any questions you may have. We hope to see you there!