Grandfriends Days are Coming

Each year, we invite your child's "grandest" grown ups to spend time in his/her classroom during the week of Thanksgiving!
This year, Grandfriends Days will take place on November 24 and 25.
We would love to invite your child's grandparents or "grand" friends to visit PIC. Let us show them your child's classroom and introduce them to the strong sense of community we nurture at PIC. 
On either Tuesday or Wednesday, “Grandfriends” will join Executive Director Deb Green at 9:00 am in the Spruce Building’s Small Gym for a light breakfast and introduction to PIC. After this short reception, they will head to your child’s classroom for play and various activities.
Individual invitations with the dates and details will go in the mail at the beginning of November.
Is there anyone you would like us to invite? Please email the information to Family Life Coordinator Lynne Piersol or fill out the form that will be in your classroom by October 26.
Talk to your teacher or Lynne to learn more.