Fireflies at the Farm

I picked a pepper on the farm!

The Fireflies took a field trip recently when Jessica McAtamney, Tiernan's mom, invited them to visit her at work.

Jessica is a teacher at W.B. Saul High School of Agricultural Sciences located in Upper Roxborough. It provides an unique educational experience of academics and agriculture. 

According to Fireflies Lead Teacher Joann Schock, "Jessica set the whole adventure up. We visited small and big animals and had student tour guides!"

Before going on the trip, the Fireflies teachers engaged the children in conversations about what they will see at the farm. They discussed the animals and came up with a list of things they wanted to know.

  • Are there chickens? horses? cows? a little calf?
  • What do horses eat and drink?
  • Do the animals gather and play?
  • Do cows lick each other?
  • What happens when horses die?
  • Do the sheep pass gas?

While on the farm, the Fireflies interacted with animals of all sizes and explored the many vegetables that were being grown. The children asked their hosts many, many questions.

Once back in the classroom, they talked about what they had discovered and how much more they now knew.