The Fireflies Explore Kindness

Learning about kindness at PIC

The Fireflies recently completed a food drive for Philabundance. While their collection ended, their learning had only just begun.

The children's interest in collecting food for those in need gave the teachers an opportunity to explore other ways we express kindness.

They read books together about kindness, including A Splendid Friend Indeed by Suzanne Bloom, which led to rich discussions about how to be a good friend. Here's what some of the children said:

I can give them a hug.

I can ask to give my toy back.

I can give cookies.

Together the children also worked on a friendship chain to reinforce the importance of kindness between friends.

They showed they cared by making cards to wish Miss Jeanette well on her retirement.

Finally, the teachers asked the Fireflies to bring in hats or mittens that they no longer wear. The items collected will be donated to families at the Intercultural Center.

According to Lead Teacher Joann Schock, "It has been a wonderful journey for the whole class."