December message from Deb

Your Family Traditions
Growing up in Bethlehem, PA I always loved our Christmas Eve family tradition of driving through town and looking at all the homes decorated for the holiday, many with the town tradition of putting a single white candle in every window.
We ended at my grandmother’s house for Christmas Eve dinner, and my highlight was always her famous cheese pie for dessert. I still remember the anticipation, the awe, and the comfort of this celebration that we repeated year after year.
Research shows that traditions give security to children, and provide a sense of continuity and routine that they can depend on year after year. Such activities help promote healthy relationships between the generations when they are enjoyed and anticipated by everyone. Children will remember the special experiences of family traditions more than toys and gifts.
The world of all children is widened when they learn about others, and that this has even more meaning when they are learning about the lives of friends and classmates. While our curriculum does not center around holidays, we believe holidays present a wonderful opportunity for families to participate in our classrooms by sharing their own cultural traditions. December happens to be a month filled with opportunity.
I encourage you to find a time to share a family tradition with your child's classroom. This might be reading a special book, sharing music or a special snack, or leading a project. Talk to your teachers. They can guide you on what might be developmentally appropriate for a specific age group.
PIC Traditions
At PIC we also have traditions we like to share with our families.
On Tuesday, December 12 and Thursday, December 14 from 4-5 pm, our After School Center will host the annual December Gala. These events feature the children in an array of “acts” that range from joke telling to singing and dancing.
Also on Thursday, December 14, from 5:30-7 pm, Early Learning classrooms will host our Winter Open House. Visit each classroom with your child for a different activity. This is a great opportunity to meet teachers in older classroom and for children to visit their old rooms.
Every PIC family is invited to participate in all of these celebrations of the season, regardless of the age of your child.
To all of our families, alumni, friends, and staff, I wish you all a season of gratitude, peace and the celebration of traditions. And from all of us at PIC, best wishes for a happy and healthy new year ahead!