In the Classroom: The Wild Things

Early Learners. Early Literacy.

Early Learning. Early Literacy.

Exposure to literature is extremely important during the first years of life. Early literacy not only consists of reading books to young children, but also the way young children observe, handle, manipulate and comprehend books and stories. 
In the Wild Things classroom, books are one of the children's favorite things to explore. No matter if they are in the hallway, classroom, or nap room, the children will find books and want to read.
The children love getting cozy and having stories read to them by their teachers. They also get extremely excited when a teacher from another class, administrator, parent, or visitor reads to them. 
The Wild Things can often be seen sitting in different areas of the classroom exploring books on their own. They enjoy using their fine motor skills to turn pages and point to words and pictures that are on the pages. 
They love stories that encourage them to actively participate. These stories encourage the children to use language in a call and response style, make hand gestures such as "wave good-bye" and “brush your teeth", and large motor movements such as “jump” and “hug.” 
If you listen closely, the children can be heard reciting certain parts of stories from their memory and making up their own stories whether it be real words or babbling. It is an amazing to sight to see!
Learning occurs everywhere, not just in the classroom. Whether you are outside, at home, or elsewhere, we encourage you to promote early literacy. Provide plenty of age-appropriate books for your child to explore and read fun stories with them whenever you get the chance. Even when you are out and about, pack a few books along for the ride. Your child will love it!