Beijing and Yards are in!

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Beijing and Yards Brewing Vote YES for Kids!
Beijing at Penn and Yards Brewing Company are the latest in the growing list of sponsors of ArtStart 2017.
Beijing’s owner Alex Yuen has provided a buffet dinner for PIC’s fall event since 2012. He and his talented staff set up and serve up the dinner guests. Yards Brewing also a returns as a significant sponsor.
We thank both businesses for their continuing and very generous support!
ArtStart 2017 is pulling together thanks to a hard-working volunteer committee members of current and former PIC parents!
If you, your employer, or a business owner you know would like to support ArtStart 2017, please contact PIC's Development Manager Karen Stachelek by phone at 215-222-5480 or email
And, be sure to mark down October 19 on your calendar. Invite friends and family to enjoy this wonderful evening!
This year’s ArtStart event is celebrating the impact of high quality early learning and after school programming.
PIC believes strongly that all children, regardless of income or zip code, should have access to high quality care. Proceeds from ArtStart are dedicated to PIC’s tuition assistance program and benefits children from economically-disadvantaged backgrounds.