Become a New Parent Mentor!

Parent Mentors welcome new families to PIC
Do you want to share your love of PIC while meeting and connecting with new PIC families?

The Parent Involvement Committee is seeking volunteers for their New Parent Mentor Program. Sign up to help welcome new families to our PIC community.

The goal of this new initiative is to help make a new family's transition to PIC as smooth and seamless as possible.  

Mentors will reach out to their assigned family to arrange a face-to-face meeting, such as having a play date outside of PIC, touching base during drop-off/pick-up, grabbing coffee or any other way you decide. Then check back in with two phone calls or emails during the new family’s first 1-2 months. 

Mentors will earn 3 PPP hours per family. ESL mentors are needed and welcome!

If interested, please contact Family Life Coordinator Lynne Piersol. You can send Lynne an email of stop by her office in the Sweet Building on the ground level.