ArtStart 2018 - Amazing!

On October 18, more than 200 guests celebrated 40 years of PIC by joining in an evening of 70's fun! Many guests left claiming this year to be the best ArtStart yet!

The evening was filled with friends, food & drink, children’s art, and silent auction bidding. Guests embraced the theme by coming in the grooviest 70s attire.

This year was a great success, raising over $50,000 to support children at PIC whose families are unable to afford full tuition.

This year's three Event Co-Chairs Angela Curry (her sons Finbarr, Desmond and Oscar are at PIC), MaryBeth Fedirko (her son Myles is a PIC alum), and Jackie McCrea (her son Dylan is a PIC alum and now a sophmore in college!).
They led an extraordinary committee of current and former PIC families that brought in close to 100 unique auction items, strong support from area businesses for a program book and sponsorship, and donations of food and beverages.

This year's silent auction featured collaborative projects by area artists who worked closely with PIC preschoolers. We are grateful to the University City Arts League, PIC parent Katie Parry at the Fabric Workshop and Museum, and PIC parent Jordan McDonald.
ArtStart 2018 sponsors were the Forman Family Foundation as our Anniversary Benefactor, Jeff "City" Block as our Celebration Sponsor, Beijing and STARR Restaurants as our Festivities Sponsors, Ballard Spahr, Bluestone Construction, and Pepper Hamilton, as our Program Sponsors.
Additional in-kind sponsors included Metropolitan Bakery, Moore Bros. Wine Company, and Yards Brewing Company.
We are grateful for the support we received from the entire PIC Community. Everyone shares in the event's success!

PIC Teachers deserve a huge round of applause for the work they do in the classroom each day and for their skillful guidance of children as they created the masterpieces that were displayed around the Chapel. Our strong network of Room Parents played the important role of involving PIC families in the event.

The evening concluded with specatacular disco dance finales, one by the ArtStart Committee and one with PIC afterschoolers, choreographed and led by PIC After School teachers and Philadanco Dance Company members Courtney Robinson and Rosa Wright.

photo credit: Thank you PIC Enrollment Coordinator Grace Piaña for these wonderful photos. You can check out the full album on our Facebook page.
To learn more about this event or other PIC fundraising efforts, call Development Manager Karen Stachelek at 215-222-5480 or email