Artists team up with PIC Kids

We are thrilled that our friends at the University City Arts League (UCAL) have signed on as an ArtStart in-kind Event Sponsor this year. They are coordinating artist volunteers who will guide our preschoolers as they create original pottery for our upcoming fundraiser.
Last week, UCAL artists Olivia and Bazz visited our Hummingbirds, Butterflies, Fireflies, and Blue Jays classrooms. Each classroom will create a unique vase reflective of their classroom's name.
All of the children had an opportunity to work with the clay and create a decoration for the vase being made. Children rolled, pressed and pinched the clay to create creatures that will be attached to the vases.
The Chipmunks and the Leapfrog classrooms had the chance to work with PIC parent Jordan McDonald who currently teaches at the Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore. The children enjoyed rolling out their clay and working with sculpting tools as they added their contribution to the decorative vases being made.
Both UCAL and Jordan will be finishing the classes' collaborative artwork in their pottery studios over the next couple of weeks. We are grateful to all the volunteers for making this experience happen.
Come to ArtStart to see these original creations by PIC children. They are bound to be among the evening's hottest items!