Posts in 'Executive Director'

Executive Director

Dear PIC Families, Thank you to all who completed the Food Program Interest Survey. I wanted to follow up with the survey results, respond to the questions/comments that came up most often, and present our next steps. We had 187 responses to the survey (fantastic!) -- 48% of you responded YES to...
I needed the Children's Book Fest I write this as I return from PIC’s Children’s Book Festival, an annual event that was re-envisioned and led by our Diversity Committee. What a wonderful event! What a needed event! As our country faces such frightening and frustrating divisiveness, bringing...
PIC is tremendously grateful to everyone who was interviewed for this project. Although not everyone appears in this cut, there are several additional versions in production that will incorporate more footage. We would like to especially thank PIC dad David Stotz for sharing his time and talents by...
New things in the new year The arrival of a new year always brings the opportunity to reimagine, recharge, refocus and recommit and this year all of these things seem to be more vital than ever. With a continued commitment to children and their families, here are a few things I’m excited about this...
December 2016 I must tell you how extremely proud I am of what I see when I step into a PIC classroom. Our children are engaged in activities that ignite their imagination and foster critical development. I see evidence of the important social and emotional skills children gain through all types of...
Sharing Traditions Growing up in Bethlehem, PA, I assumed that everyone celebrated Christmas, simply because I didn’t know anyone who didn’t. It was not until I went to high school that my world suddenly widened. I learned that one of my new friends celebrated Hanukkah in December. I still remember...
A season of gratitude In this season of giving thanks, I have a heightened awareness for all the thanks to go around at PIC. This is a community of caring, of dedication, of reflection on our past and of intentionality about our future. At PIC, I am so grateful for… A NATION that is understanding so...
Join me at ArtStart October is such a full month at PIC with many chances for us to come together as a community. Coming up is a center-wide work day, which is a great chance for you to get in some PPP hours while meeting more families. At the end of the month there is the Fall Family Festival, a...
written by PIC Executive Director Deb Green Remembering a Visionary Last week marked the ninth anniversary of the death of former Executive Director Marni Sweet , who stood at the helm of PIC for 28 years. Marni was such an icon and visionary for the life of PIC, that I always try to find some...
report from Deb Green 2016 Family Feedback Survey … The results are in! While I know that this communication is long, please bear with me. I think it is important to share what we have learned from families and where we are headed with our community. The PIC Quality Committee has reviewed the...