Posts in 'Event'


On Friday, October 26, we will host our annual Fall Family Festival at PIC from 10:30 am - noon. Our festival is a joyful gathering of children, staff and families on our Magic Circle Nature Playground. There will be many fall-themed activities set up in stations around the playground for children...
Last week six of PIC classrooms created collaborative pieces of clay sculpture that will be up for auction at ArtStart, on October 18. We are thrilled that our friends at the University City Arts League ( UCAL) have signed on as an ArtStart in-kind Event Sponsor this year . They are coordinating...
As part of our Coffee and Conversation Series, PIC families are invited to come to a meeting on "The Importance of Risk in Play". All sessions of this series are from 8:30 - 9:30 am and are held in the A-Z Room, Ground level of the Sweet Building.
As part of our Coffee and Conversation Series, PIC families are invited to come to a meeting on "Cultivating Kindness and Social Justice". All sessions of this series are from 8:30 - 9:30 am and are held in the A-Z Room, Ground level of the Sweet Building.
As part of our Coffee and Conversation Series, PIC families are invited to come to a meeting on "Dealing with Challenging Behaviors". PIC Early Learning Program Coordinators Kharma Hicks and Tamara Clark will discuss common challenging behaviors for young children and share strategies for addressing...
As part of our Coffee and Conversation Series, PIC families are invited to come to a meeting on Wednesday, February 20 about "Talking with Children about Bodies & Sexuality". It is never too early to start talking to kids about their bodies! In this workshop, led by Roadrunners teacher Isy Abraham...
As part of our Coffee and Conversation Series, PIC families are invited to come to a meeting on Wednesday, February 16 on "Friendship and Children's Social Development". Can I come to your birthday party? Only girls can play this game! Can I play too? Young children are working hard to figure out...
As part of our Coffee and Conversation Series, PIC families are invited to come to a meeting on "Speech/Language Development" presented by Special Instructor (and Butterflies parent) Naesha Millwood. Naesha Millwood is the co-founder of Sequoia Seeds, Inc. an early intervention (IE) company...
Public Schools? Independent Schools? Kindergarten readiness? What's a parent to do? As part of our Coffee and Conversation Series, PIC families are invited to come to a meeting on "Thinking ahead to Kindergarten". Children who will be 5 by September 1, 2019 will be kindergarten eligible. Deb Green...
Angela Curry, Mary Beth Fedirko, and Jackie McCrea, are all reprising the role of co-chair for PIC's 40th Anniversary celebration at ArtStart, our annual fall fundraiser. Angela co-chaired last year’s event, Mary Beth led our 2016 event, and Jackie is back at PIC after having co-chaired our event in...