Reggio Inspired

The town of Reggio Emilia in Italy has inspired thinking about quality early care and education throughout the world, and at PIC we have woven many of its principles into our classrooms.
Based on a solid foundation of knowledge and research by many early childhood psychologists and philosophers, such as John Dewey, Piaget, Howard Gardner and Jerome Bruner, the Reggio Emilia approach is an on-going effort to advocate for and to improve the opportunities for the world's children.
Image of the Child
We see children as strong and capable, and believe they acquire knowledge through their natural curiosity and creativity. Their interests are an important part of their learning.
The Classroom
The classroom environment plays a crucial role in the teaching and learning process, provoking children's curiosity, stimulating the imagination, and encouraging children to become critical thinkers and problem solvers. The well-designed classroom influences a child's learning and is known as the "third teacher".
Emergent Curriculum
PIC embraces an “Emergent Curriculum,” and our teachers are careful observers of children’s play and interests when developing topics of study.
Depth over breadth: Studies usually last for a number of weeks (if not months) and are quite in-depth. Preschool-age children may participate in a lengthy study of “things that fly", while our youngest children may explore “paper” or “boxes” for many weeks.
Loose Parts Learning
The theory of loose parts learning offers that children are encouraged to use greater imagination when given materials that allow for open-ended discovery. At PIC, every day materials (often recycled/reused objects) become vehicles for open-ended play. Children use loose parts in the classroom and on the playground.
PIC's "Recycleteria" is a dedicated space where pine cones, sea glass, stones, shells, corks, fabric scraps, yarn and much more are collected. Here, teachers and children regularly choose items for their next project.
We are always looking for Loose Parts items. Here's a list of items we like to have on hand. Please email if you would like to make a donation.
We are dedicated to documenting the progress of learning over time and making that learning visible. PIC teachers take pictures and collect children’s drawings, works of art, and children’s own words to display in and outside of the classroom.